Ice Therapy At Home, Give Your Skin A Glow

Ice Therapy At Home, Give Your Skin A Glow

A blast of sub-zero temperatures can do you real good. The thought may make you shiver but…ice therapy is the hot way to beat ageing and have clear skin.

Harness the power of ice from your freezer! Incorporate it in your anti-ageing routine to shrink pores, decongest oily skin, and help fight the dreaded wrinkles. Use ice directly on your skin. Don’t apply ice straight from the freezer, let it rest for a few minutes. If your skin is sensitive, thin or you have broken capillaries, use the ice for one minute at the most.

This is what you do. Hold the ice cube with a tissue and rub on cleansed skin. Rub across your forehead, under the eyes, on cheeks, chin and neck in upward movements. Pat dry, apply your serums and moisturisers. Do this morning and night to help tighten pores, to revitalise and have clearer complexion. Voila! x

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